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Design and Launch an Online Social Networking Business in a Week

Product Description

WWW.(Your Social Network).COM
Are you a virtual social butterfly? Captivated by the buzz of new media? Interested in setting the online social scene for others? And making a profit doing so?

Tap into the millions of MySpace users and Facebook friends to create your own specialized social site! In just seven days, identify your network niche; develop an inviting, interactive website; drive traffic and membership; build profitable online advertising relationships; and more!

  • Design an attractive, interactive social networking website using inexpensive, turnkey solutions that require no programming knowledge
  • Define your community and set the tone
  • Offer interactive features including profile pages, member search options, media add-ons, and more
  • Generate traffic and membership using search engine optimization, viral and social marketing, and other techniques
  • Cash in on your site with proven, revenue-generating solutions
  • Use included resources to stay on the cutting-edge

Sign on for social networking success!

Design and Launch an Online Social Networking Business in a Week

Filed Under: Social Networking Techniques


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