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Selecting Korea SEO Company

Korea SEO company

Selecting SEO company through Korea search engine market environment.

In Korea, search engine market and environment are totally different from worldwide’s in lots of dimensions. Therefore, fully understanding Korean search engine environment is highly recommended for those who want to expand their sales and exposure their website to Korean web users through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy.

To your surprise, Koreans are not familiar with the world’s best search engines such as “Google”or “Yahoo!”. Refer to the search volume share in Korea, Naver (NHN corp.) share more than 70% of the market, and Daum follow it while Yahoo! Korea and Google Korea shares only small portion. Korea SEO starts with understanding search engines in the Korean own way such as “Naver” and “Daum” eventually. Helping you choose great Korea SEO company, I will deal with two key points of Korea search engine market environments- Integrated search results and well-developed social media. Let’s take a look at how to select SEO company.

1.    Korea SEO company which has Integrated Search marketing solution

Korean web users are used to using integrated search result to get useful information without shifting to other web pages such as ‘Images’, ‘Maps’, and ‘News’ in Google.

Korea search engines have lots of vertical in one page, so you can see various contents in one page. Especially, Naver and Daum show long integrated search result page. When you enter keyword on search tab, you will see keyword advertising (CPC, CPM), blog, community, answers, news, organic result, shopping info, video, image, and etc. all in 1 long page. Trying to follow this trend, even Google Korea made their search result more integrated.  You have to make full use of it. For successful SEO campaign, you should focus not just in ranking, but also impression in various verticals.

In conclusion, basically, a creditable Korea SEO company should have a sufficient and complete understanding of this Korean special search engine environment. Therefore, Korea SEO company should be able to make full use of the integrated search result so that they can make a great impression in various verticals (Q&A,Blogs,News).

2.    Korea SEO company which makes full use of well organized social media

Another feature of Korean web users is to voluntarily participate to write contents, make communities, ask questions and answer themselves by on purpose of commercial or interest. Therefore, social networks such as blog and Café, a kind of community sites which have membership account, are far stimulated in Korea. These verticals often appear in high position in search result page. Web users more likely believe the contents rather than advertisement copy even though the CPC (cost per click) of advertisement is ridiculously high.

Therefore, Korea SEO company should focus on social network sites such as blog and community as well as on PPC to take the highest place in search result page.

3.    Other requirements for Korea SEO company

What is more, at least when it comes to SEO company, they have the dedicated implementation staff experiencing for many years who have leading edge SEM technology know-how and it would be better for SEO Company to be consist of professional marketers. By working side-by-side with you, great SEO company should be able to turn those visitors into sales for your company using SEO strategy.

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Korea SEO Company, Inc. is one of the most competitive SEO companies around the world. provides superior strategic SEO & SEM services and unfailing improvements with our clients including Microsoft Asia, Yahoo!, AIG, KOTRA B2B Marketplace, Samsung SDS, the Official websites run by Korean Government, and hundreds of other promising small & medium companies. InterAd offers specifically-tailored advisory services which have made many clients satisfied. InterAd stands out from other Korean firms in this industry because we have the best expertise.

Filed Under: SEO Techniques


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