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Be the Difference

Product Description

After retiring as CEO of Earth 2000 National, a 25,000 member environmental group he founded at the astonishing age of 12, Danny Seo continued to receive thousands of letters from young people asking, how do you do it? The result is this energized primer that shows beginning activists how to start their own activist group, fund-raise, gain media exposure, organize a protest, use the internet as a tool for change, and make legislators listen.

Danny Seo has appeared on Oprah, Leeza, The View, and CNN and featured in People Magazine, among many others. Previous titles include Generation React , Heaven on Earth, and soon to be published Conscious Style Home (St. Martin’s Press). He lives in New York City.

Table Of Contents

1: The Foundation: Getting Started
2: Fundraising 101: Beyond Nickels and Dimes
3: Outreach: Getting the Word Out with PR
4: Generation Why: Working with Kids
5: Understanding Government: If Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, So Can You
6: Bringing Everyone Together: Event Planning for Dummies
7: Big Business, Big Change: Working with Companies
8: The Single Crusader: One Person Really Can Make a Difference
9: Awards: Getting the Recognition You Deserve
10: Internships: Finding a Wealth of Knowledge in Your Own Backyard

Foreword byDeepak Chopra, M.D

In the great eastern wisdom traditions, there is a concept called Dharma. An individual’s Dharma is their unique relationships with the ecosystem through their unique talents. When a person is in Dharma, they experience bliss and they achieve their goals through the support of nature. If you want to know what your Dharma is, close your eyes and ask yourself the following questions:
1) If I had all the money in the world and all the time in the world, what would I do with my life?
2) How would I express my unique talents, and how would I use them to serve my fellow human beings and also the larger web of life?

If you can answer those questions and put your insights into practice, you will experience the fulfillment of every dream that you’ve ever had a

Be the Difference

Filed Under: SEO Techniques


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