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People to People Fundraising: Social Networking and Web 2.0 for Charities

Product Description
Cutting-edge strategies, data, and techniques from the world’s foremost ePhilanthropy experts.

Giving donors the chance to participate in and contribute to the success of a charity beyond the online gift is proving to be successful for many nonprofits. Find out how to make the most of your online fundraising efforts with the expert advice found in People to People Fundraising: Social Networking and Web 2.0 for Charities.

Featuring a Foreword by James Austin of Harvard University, this hands-on guide is filled with creative ideas, techniques, and suggestions to help readers harness the power of social networking for your charity, including:

  • Getting supporters to do more than give
  • Evaluating your Web site
  • Blogs — an important development in fundraising
  • The power of celebrity in building communities
  • How to leverage an individual supporter’s social network
  • Online marketing to ethnic and special interest communities
  • How to influence single-gift Web donors to become monthly donors
  • The opportunities and challenges of multi-channel marketing
  • Why ePhilanthropy succeeds — seven pillars of e-success
  • Connecting with planned gift donors and prospects
  • Buttons and banners on company Web sites
  • Plus much more!

Based on the authors’ decades of combined real-life experiences plus scores of international case studies demonstrating ePhilanthropy success stories from around the world, People to People Fundraising provides a wealth of proven, practical techniques to help you boost your organization’s success.

People to People Fundraising: Social Networking and Web 2.0 for Charities

Filed Under: Social Networking Techniques


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