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Adult Social Networking Tips to the Social Networks

I realize that for adults on the social networking sites, many of these tips are common sense. As I point that out, I also know that nothing is “common” about common sense. The tips are not listed in order of importance. Here they are!…..

1.) Decide on the type of networking you would like to engage in.

Most people that are new to social networking are nor aware that different sites cater to different groups of networkers. Some sites are for people in particular age groups, others are for people with specifics hobbies and interests. Still other sites cater almost exclusively to business networking. Before you join a site, spend some time getting a sense of what type of networking is most popular. For the newbie to the networks, MySpace and Facebook are good choices. Generally, these sites have wide appeal to a large cross section of networkers with a wide variety of interests.

2.) Have A Plan When Putting Together Your Profile

Virtually all social networking sites provide members with a personal profile page. Unfortunately, many people spend very little time planning the content to be included in their profile.

Remember, people will usually review your profile before deciding if they want to contact you. The information that you supply can attract quality networking opportunities. Let people know, via your profile, exactly what type of online relationships you want to pursue. Answer ALL profile questions honestly, with no hidden agendas. Oh, and by the way, include your picture. People want to “see” fellow networkers!

3) Let The Online Relationship Develop Naturally

One of the biggest mistakes made by social networkers is to “force” their agenda on new contacts. This type of selfishness does not work in the offline world, so why would it EVER work online? Become acquainted with your contacts first. Let them know that you intend to be a useful resource. During this process of getting to know each other, both of you will discover if you have mutual intentions. Do not rush this process of discovery. It could provide the foundation for a very beneficial, long term, relationship.

4) Do Not Get Too Personal Too Quickly

This tip is in the ‘common sense” category, and is similar to tip #3. Personal experiences have prompted me to include this tip. I have been contacted by individuals, and within the 1st EMAIL, they are disclosing very personal information, even inviting me to come meet them!! This approach is dangerous and leaves a bad 1st impression. It is a definite “red flag” if individuals give you “too much information” too soon.

5) Do Not “Hit And Run!”


Many people make the mistake of joining too many social sites. In their excitement to begin networking, they fill out profiles to every site under the sun! These same individuals spend very little time navigating each site. They will also make the mistake of adding a bunch of “friends” at first, and never following up with them. This “hit and run” approach is not a good way to form online relationships. Only become a member of a site if you plan to become an active member of the community. Without active participation, you will never achieve trust within the group.

In Conclusion….

Hopefully, these tips, and your common sense, will make social networking more productive. If you are specifically interested in the adult social networks for business, the FREE curriculum at Renegade University is a perfect training ground. It is possible to earn while you learn marketing with video, articles, email, and even marketing to the Web 2.0 communities.

You will also learn how to brand yourself in the social networks, and how to gain access to FREE social media tools.

Michael Hutchins is a Professional guide at Renegade University, the FREE members only site where students can EARN CASH while learning cutting edge Internet marketing skills and online selling strategies. To learn the secrets of achieving REAL residual income that 97.9% don’t know, and only the mlm “heavy hitters” understand, subscribe to Mike’sFREE weekly newsletter

Filed Under: Social Networking Techniques


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