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RSS Feed | SEO Services | SEO Traffic Spider

RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication and also sometimes Rich Site Summary. The word syndication indicates that the content, which may be in form of blogs, articles, news headlines, audio or videos, is submitted to several recipients  in form of  web feed formats. An RSS document is, in fact, called a feed or a web feed. It is like article syndication where the same article is submitted to several article directories for publication.

Its other full form, Rich Site Summary indicates that usually the feed is submitted in form of a summarized text. The whole process of submission of content takes place automatically. Usually website content or blogs are updated to keep the content fresh and up-to-date, so, as soon as the content is updated, it reaches the audience instantly. Sometimes some subscribers to the RSS feed avidly wait for latest updates on their niches; they get it immediately without having to make enquiries about it.

RSS feeds can be read with the help of a special kind of software called RSS reader, feed reader or an aggregator. RSS reader can be read through the desktops or mobile devices.  The information is published through a standardized XML file format and can be read through several different programs.

Any person can start subscribing to an RSS feed by entering the URL of the feed into the feed reader or by just clicking on RSS icon in the browser that starts the subscription process by  asking for his name and email id. The RSS reader keeps checks on the updates in the content subscribed to by the user and provides an interface to monitor and read the feeds.

There are several advantages of RSS feeds both for the content creators as well as the subscribers.

Content creators can share their content online with thousands of subscribers almost free of cost. Once you create your content, it is automatically broadcasted to the subscribers. It is not like articles which you need to submit manually to scores of article directories. The whole process is very tiring, monotonous and time consuming.

It is an ingenious way of getting back links to your websites and promoting your products and services. RSS feeds are, therefore, a very useful platform for search engine optimization of your website.

No website can survive in the present scenario, if the content in it is not updated frequently to keep up with times. Quite often the webmasters are not good at creating the content. Hiring ghost authors proves costly. The best way for them, therefore, is to subscribe to RSS feeds of the niche of their sites. They can get content on regular basis.

If Adsense ads are the main source of revenue from your website, RSS feeds can come as boon. You get the content relevant to the subject of your site on regular basis. Google keeps inducting the Adsense ads while you continue to make money.

If you are running an online blog, magazine, newsletter or a newspaper, you do not need to run after the authors for writing content for you. You only need to subscribe to different RSS feeds connected with the content of your site.

You can be notified of the fresh arrivals in the shopping malls or stores of your choice. You do not have to log on the website of the store or the shopping mall. You can also receive weather alerts and news about other changing weather conditions.

SEO Traffic Spider, is a global provider offering its customers a full suite of SEO Services ranging from Indexing, Optimization – On Page/Off Page, Linking, SEO Copywriting, Site Overhauling, Traffic Analytics, etc.

Filed Under: SEO Techniques


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