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Social Networking

With the advent of internet the term social networking is growing to be a favorite option to many people especially the youngsters. But it is not at a new term. Our ancestors lived in groups. Since there was no language it became essential to have some knowledge about their relationship like who are the friends, to whom we have to fight with etc. The need of gossiping arose. As there was no language they used grooming to communicate their relationship. So grooming is the first social networking application.

When the group became too large language was discovered instead of grooming. It was effective than grooming because one can communicate with number of people with language simultaneously. So language evolved to communicate and maintain social relationship.

Web based social networking solves the same purpose. The communication ability through internet has created large group social network. You can get social network with people all over the world. You can meet and communicate with people who have identical minds.

You can register your name in any of the famous social networking web site like My space. The registration procedure is simple and you can do it within minutes. Then you can create your own profile page. This will be a best way to communicate with many people. You can make new friends. You can share your views, ideas, and your favorite things like movies, music and much more.

You can also add video clips, your photos and so on. What you enjoy more is that the freedom you have in this social networking application. The traditional web sites will allow you to meet and talk to other members. But social networking web sites allow you to include your horoscopes, videos, photos, chatting, passing messages instantly and more.

The social networking web site will ask you to provide certain information like why you want to meet other people where you can have three options business, personal and both. Then you will be asked to write your name, date of birth, marital status, religion, education and so on. If you want to date or just meet people you can give the seat preference like where you want to meet. You can also add some details about you.

You can use social networking for your business purposes. There is separate social networking platform which you can use for business purposes. Linkya is a business social networking web site that allows you to get new partners, new business contacts, and ideas and so on. It is an international web page and so you can have more business contacts. You can register your name here and write about your profile. This will help in increasing business contacts and you can flourish your business as you can get international customers. This web site is especially for professionals and business people.

If you want to search any professionals like consultant, web designer etc you can do it within seconds through this web site. You can also search for any new business opportunities.

You can enhance your business relationship through social networking web sites. You can register your name in this web site absolutely free of cost. You can write about the business details in the space provided.

There are separate social net workings for singles, families and so on. You can find your friend, life partner etc through social net workings. Quick search of old friends or clients is possible. You can meet and share your thoughts with any one you like.

The flexibility and safety in the web sites have attracted many people. Your pass word will be encrypted and the details provided by you are not for global viewers. You can communicate only with those you want. If you want to share some common thoughts then you can do it also. was created as a vision of Daniel J Deyette’s to give people one single place where you could easily get the latest news on every social networking site and keep abreast of the current information about them.

Filed Under: Social Networking Techniques


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