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There has been so many confusion going around the search engine world where people BELIEVE that the keyword phrase they chose is a winner because it gets 500,000 searches a month with very little competition. Truth of the matter is, it’s the complete opposite because they used the “broad match” filter in which is the WRONG way of finding good keywords and its commercial capabilities.

So what does all this mean?

We’re talking about using the “Google Keyword Tool”. You can type it into the search engines and Google’s external keyword tool will show up. It’s the same thing as their AdWords users use. The only thing is is you have to enter a captcha code to indicate that you’re human. So do that if you wish to do so at this time.

Alright, so a little explaination on the different filters.


A “broad” match indicates that the search is based on ANY combination of the words. In example, if the keyword phrase was “learn magic tricks online” the filter is looking for the following:





learn magic

learn tricks

learn online

magic tricks

magic online

magic learn

tricks online

tricks magic

tricks learn

online tricks

online magic

online learn

learn magic tricks

learn magic online

magic tricks online

magic tricks learn

And it just continues. You get the point. THAT’S what the broad match does. It considers ALL the possibilities for that keyword phrase. That’s why the search volume is always so high for keyword phrases with 2 or more keywords.


What phrase match does is consider whether the keyword phrase is also considered in another keyword term. Here’s an example: magic tricks

This means the FOLLOWING keywords could also be considered:

learn “magic tricks”

“magic tricks” online

“magic tricks” learn

online “magic tricks”

I like “magic tricks”

“magic tricks” are fun

the best “magic tricks”

my secret “magic tricks”

“magic tricks” changed my life

learn “magic tricks” today

Again, it continues with the possibilities. This is why broad and phrase matches does no one any good. It spits out half-truths and you’re stuck trying to figure it out.


The BEST filter to use is the exact match filter. The reason this filter is the best is because it tells you what the search performance is each month based on ONLY that particular keyword phrase in THAT exact order. We use it for all of our keyword research and analysis to know which keywords are the best ones for us and for our clients.

Once you determine the proper keywords to target, you will then have to determine which ones to go for first. We usually do it in 3 phases: easy, medium, hard. Pretty easy, right?

The reason for this is once you conquer the easy keywords, the medium keywords become easier to dominate. Once you conquer the medium keywords, the hard keywords become easier. Makes sense?

If you think you’re done after picking out the highly searched keywords to target, you’re completely wrong! Wait for next week when I explain the most important part in keyword research AND analysis!

Until then, you’re welcome to learn more about search engine marketing at

This article was written by Kevin Lam of – Texas SEO is a Dallas-based web marketing and consulting company. We can help you improve your on-site and off-site optimization so that your website not only looks good to visitors but rank well for the keywords you need. Let us increase your business by first giving you a free analysis.

Filed Under: SEO Techniques


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