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7 Ubiquitous Organic SEO Myths You Must Avoid

The Internet Marketing is a world, full of webmasters who vie amongst themselves to topple each other in terms of their website rankings on several popular search engines including Google. They deploy a dozen of so called organic SEO tricks to their online marketing campaign to achieve better ROI and improve their bottom-line. However, quite a few organic SEO companies are embroiled in some organic SEO myths. Let’s take a quick look at what keeps some organic SEO companies in the shadows.

Organic SEO Myth #1 – SEO Copy Should Be 250 Words

One of the most prevalent SEO myths among the organic SEO companies is the number of words on the web page. It is believed that short copies rank better than longer copies. There are no such established rules that substantiate this supposition. However, a word count of 250 words with an ideal keyword density of 2% is, usually, universally acceptable.

Organic SEO Myth #2 – Google Sitemap is Inevitable

An organic SEO company need not worry about the Google sitemap on their website as Google sitemap no longer influences the rankings of a website. However, having a Google sitemap is not a negative factor. If your website is well-designed with a crawler-friendly navigation, you should be able to rank pretty well on that.

Organic SEO Myth #3 – URL Submission to Search Engines is Vital

Gone are the days when this practice was very helpful in bringing good results in terms of higher search engine ranking. URL submission to search engines is no longer effective now. However, submission to search engines is not bad at all for any organic SEO company.

Organic SEO Myth #4 – Header Tags Can Boost Organic Rankings

Header Tags such as H1, H1 and H2 should be used only when they are required to complement the webpage from design stand point. There is very little evidence that corroborate the popular belief that Header Tags influence the search engine rankings of an organic SEO company.

Organic SEO Myth #4 – PPC Ads Influence Website Rankings

Many webmasters wrongly take PPC Ads as a supporting camping to their organic SEO campaigns. However, it is not at all true that running Google AdWords affect any organic SEO campaign, either positively or negatively. It has absolutely nothing to do with the website rankings of any website.

Organic SEO Myth #5 –  Meta Keywords Must Be Used on the Webpage

One of the most hyped organic SEO myths is using the meta keywords on the webpages. Meta keywords are usually used because it is not practically possible to use all keywords on the webpages. Hence, by using the meta keywords that do not find their place on the webpage, we increase the chance of the webpages to rank higher. Hence, it is unnecessary to use all the meta keywords on the webpages.

Organic SEO Myth #5 –   Website Should Be Optimized for Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are not very popular, whether with the organic SEO companies or searchers. Since they are not competitive, no body searches for them, ranking for them is simple. However, it doesn’t make sense to rank higher for keywords that are not very popular or competitive in the organic SEO industry.

Best SEO Company,Top SEO companies,Organic SEO company,Search Engine Optimization,search engine ranking,Internet Marketing,Outsourcing SEO Company,Offshore Website Promotion

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