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Exploding the myths about what makes a good seo article writer!

Internet Article Writer – what makes a good one? There are a lot of misconceptions about what makes a good Internet Article Writer so I thought I’d clear up a few simple points and myths. Myths A good article writer must have an English degree and be journalist trained. Why is this a myth? Most […]

Are Social Networks Good For Our Children?

Social networks definitely became a part of our day-to-day life. But when it comes to younger generation it looks like social networks are not just a part, but something more comprehensive and important in their lives. Let’s try to assess potential benefits and negatives of the social networks for our children: Benefits: 1.      Despite of […]

Knowing The Price Of Good Seo

After the web site design and the completion of the basic SEO, the next investment any business owner should consider is in search engine optimization. In order to understand SEO pricing, we have to underline the fact that the optimization process in itself is very advantageous, since presumably the traffic generated by a well-indexed page […]

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