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RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Performance"

Using Social Networking To Increase Sales and Business Performance

Social Networking has evolved and grow rapidly online, providing huge potential for businesses to market online in a different manner, cheaply and effectively. Those that have used social marketing has proven to improve their business performance online. Social networking sites allow different individuals to communicate with each other and share information.  The social network is […]

Mastering Mambo: E-Commerce, Templates, Module Development, SEO, Security, and Performance

Product DescriptionAn advanced level guide to customizing and extending Create custom layouts, modules, Mambots, set up an e-commerce store, and more Make your site multilingual, accessible, and optimized for speed and search engines Master DOCMAN, the document manager for Mambo, to turn your Mambo site into a dynamic repository of shared documents and files Avoid […]

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