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RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Spider"

RSS Feed | SEO Services | SEO Traffic Spider

RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication and also sometimes Rich Site Summary. The word syndication indicates that the content, which may be in form of blogs, articles, news headlines, audio or videos, is submitted to several recipients  in form of  web feed formats. An RSS document is, in fact, called a feed or […]

Significance of Sitemaps | SEO Traffic Spider

Today there are several SEO techniques that help you to optimize your site, but one trick whose importance is undervalued at times is a Sitemap. A Sitemap is a page on your website that indicates the entire structure of your site including different sections, links between them, and so on. In short it gives a […]

AdWords Account Suspended | SEO Traffic Spider

In the last couple of days many Google AdWords accounts have been suspended. Most of the AdWords customers are wondering as to why their accounts are suspended. All that the Google’s AdWords customer receives is an email from the Google AdWords Team stating that your account has been suspended and your advertisements will not run […]

SEO Traffic Spider | Being the Master of Web Designing

Today everyone wants a website and for that a web designing company is the best place to make one. However, do web designing companies make a website that is good in all terms like structure, color, programming, etc? Some would surely say yes, but I do not agree with that. I would say, web designers […]

Latent Semantic Indexing | SEO Traffic Spider

To put in a layman’s terms, latent semantic indexing (LSI) is a technique of indexing— analyzing, listing or categorizing certain keywords or phrases in the contents of various websites, books or documents in such a way that they have contextually and conceptually the same or related intent and meaning despite the different words used in […]

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