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Understanding Organic SEO

In the old days of the Internet, there were no SEO Consultants, automated systems, or all that high technology stuff. A few years ago, in fact, the term “Search Engine Optimization” did not even exist! Website owners struggled with ways and means to get the much-needed hits to their website (never mind if it was […]

Windmill Networking: Understanding, Leveraging & Maximizing LinkedIn: An Unofficial, Step-by-Step Guide to Creating & Implementing Your LinkedIn Brand – Social Networking in a Web 2.0 World

Product DescriptionSocial networking guru Neal Schaffer’s Windmill Networking: Understanding, Leveraging & Maximizing LinkedIn is the most comprehensive book on maximizing the potential for professional and personal networking through LinkedIn. It goes beyond the “business” genre to expand upon the world of social media marketing, branding, and today’s critical focus on career management. It clarifies the […]

Understanding SEO Competition and Your Goals

Website owners who keep up to date with SEO competition are finding out that if you are not learning and evolving you’re falling behind. It’s becoming more and more difficult for websites to maintain high rankings on search engines and that’s even if your site is already a few years old. If you are starting […]

Online Social Networking on Campus: Understanding what matters in student culture

Product DescriptionIn the era of such online spaces as Facebook, Instant Messenger, Live Journal, Blogger, Web Shots, and campus blogs, college students are using these resources and other online sites as a social medium. Inevitably, this medium presents students with ethical decisions about social propriety, self disclosure and acceptable behaviour. Because online social networking sites […]

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